Monday, July 6, 2009


Wheeww...starting a blog is exhausting. Trying to gather your thoughts is a task and if you know me then you know I have issues with that. Before I get lost and stray off to another subject I would like to explain the reason for this said blog. I want to showcase some photos that I have taken for a few reasons. First, because people ask me all the time if I have a blog or website and I never have an excuse why I don't, except that I just don't have the time. Secondly, some of my photos I want to add a funny anecdote to, and Facebook doesn't let me add but a tiny little caption. So, here we go...I hope you enjoy, but don't be mad if I take a hiatis (I am good at those).

First photo up on the blog will be of Brooklynn; one that I took of her this past weekend. Nothing too fancy, but the one that symbolized her personality the best.


Val said...

glad you started your blog - I think it is a lot of fun - and I love your photographs so I can't wait to see more. Brooklynn looks lovely in the picture - you will have to give us tips on how you make it looks so great!!

Alissa said...

Yeah I'm so glad you are doing a blog...I'll add you to my favs!